Saturday, October 24, 2009


Call me crazy, but my internal alarm clock gets me up and outta bed at 5 a.m. on weekends due to my Monday-Friday early morning gym habit. However, I've quite grown to appreciate this quirk. 

Shrek and I share our 2-bedroom, 1 bathroom tiny apartment and work for the same company. Working for the same company - this is as far as I will go into ever mentioning work on this blog - translates to us keeping the same work hours, receiving the same holidays off, and, for the most part, taking the same vacation days... Which is nice, but it also means we see A LOT of each other. Now, I grew up an only child. On an island. Meaning, I like my me-time. Hence, I really cherish those early morning hours I get to myself, as I'm sure Shrek cherishes his sleep while I do my thing and the hours he gets to himself after I go to bed. He usually joins me when I go to bed for a snuggle before slipping back out to WOW or whatnot once I've drifted off. This pattern usually translates into each of us getting anywhere from 3-5 hours to ourselves each day which works for us.

This morning was no exception. Up at 5, I emptied the dishwasher, put Gossip Girl on, and started blogging. Shrek wandered out around 6, still half asleep, on a detour from the bathroom before going back to bed.  Shrek, bleary-eyed, asked "What's going on out here? What is that smell?"

I forgot to mention: I'd also baked some Ling-Ling Costco egg rolls to enjoy with all of the above activities ;)

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About MindyKnows

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I'm a girl constantly on the hunt for top quality, stellar customer service, and fun when it comes to shopping and eating out. The more affordable, the better. Though, you will quickly see that indulging in handbags - Hello, Louis! - and food - Hello, Foodie! - is a weakness of mine. Yes, posts will primarily pertain to the Bay Area as this is where I currently call "Home." However, I am no stranger to travel so visit often to read up on my finds and to chime in on your faves!

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