Special ordered this from Sweet Passions Bakery in San Jose on a friend's recommendation. (And persistence!) Though I loved what I taste-tested at their cupcake stand in Valley Fair Mall (in front of Restoration Hardware and J. Crew - Go! They give free samples of mini cupcakes and sell full-sized ones for $3.50 each), I was going to have to pass simply because their bakery and storefront closes at 2 p.m. daily. It just wasn't possible for me to get over there from work in time to pick it up from the bakery and drop it off at home before returning to work. Without missing a beat, my friend graciously offered to pick the cake up and drop it off at our apartment. Such service! (And friendship!) However, there was also an issue of space - being I didn't have enough in the fridge to store a 7" 7 layer banana cake. Again, my friend stepped in and offered to pick the cake up and store it in her fridge until I could pick it up after work.

In the end, she did end up delivering the cake to our apartment. That's how much she believed in this cake. ...It also helps that she's in between jobs (on her whim, not her employer's!), the bakery is 5 minutes from her house, she just got back from vacation the night before picking up the cake so her fridge was empty and she just happened to have a dentist appointment at an office 3 blocks from my apartment the afternoon we needed the cake and Shrek could meet her during his lunch. Obviously, it was cake-fate.
I was slightly apprehensive about how the cake was going to go over. Though Shrek and I loved it, we were dining with two kids who may or may not like bananas + 6 adults "on diets." Plus, we'd just stuffed ourselves silly with our favorite Chinese food. (To blog about later).
Silly me! The cake was perfect and drew awesome reviews. With real bananas, whipped cream and the spongy cake part made out of banana bread it was pleasant and light and we had no trouble eating it up. I was pleasantly surprised that everyone ate their entire slice and that the layers stayed put when I served it onto plates!
Will definitely be ordering other future cakes from this place. Check out their website here for their location and contact info, menu, prices, and to order online. Shrek's 7" 7 layer banana cake with fresh sliced bananas and cream was $35 and supposed to serve 15-20 people. I think in the end it served about 10, including our neighbors who received half of our leftovers. No one else would take any home because they complained they'd eat it all! :D
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