Our oasis, if you will.

Recently, we upgraded our bed to a queen size Posturepedic Daindridge Plush mattress along with a beautiful bed frame. (Before we were on a box spring.) We also - drum roll, please - invested in an air conditioner!
After tossing, turning, and sweltering in last summer's relentless heat, we felt this was a necessary purchase. We also figured it a terrific deal when faced with upgrading apartments altogether just for the luxury of AC. Instead, we opted to pay Costco $429 upfront whereas upgrading to a newer apartment with AC would've been an additional $429 per month.
Absolutely love that this compact little portable AC by Sharp is "Library Quiet" yet keeps our room at a cool 64 (or whatever we choose to set) degrees. This is cold enough to allow me to comfortably sleep under our "coverlet" and down comforter combo. Even when it's a miserable 90+ degrees in our living room!
Unlike many other portable ACs out there, this one requires zero drainage. Hence, no monitoring or worries that it will start a flood in the middle of the night.
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