Friday, December 12, 2008

$4 dinner for two

i think another reason for my weight loss is the economy.  i'm a lot more conscious of how often or not i go out to eat now and what/how much is purchased at the grocery store.  also, instead of eating until i'm full i eat until i'm comfortable and tell myself that i can eat any leftovers for lunch the next day.  finally, we don't keep as much wine/alcohol in stock, because -- though some would beg to differ -- it's not a necessity!

i actually went out to dinner last tuesday with some girlfriends who are a bit older (36-40) and judging by their designer handbags (gucci, louis vuitton), jewels and clothing and jet-setting lives are just a little (har har) more financially secure than i am at this point in my life, just 2.5 years out of college.  anyways, we met at roux on santana row at 7 pm for drinks (i think i mentioned on a tuesday night) and then progressed to dinner around 830.  i'd been to roux before with them so knew to expect some pricey drinks and entrees.  therefore, i made the conscious decision to eat a little something before meeting up with them and to splurge on a $12 drink.  i also don't like going to bed on a full stomach and dinner didn't end until the last bite was taken after 10 p.m, so even though i was teased a bit for not ordering an entree (actually, some of them praised my will-power), i was happy with my decision when i could roll straight into bed that night sans the feeling of a lead ball in my stomach.

oh, which brings me to the title of my blog: shrek and i usually find we eat out for about $22 total, but last night i picked up a thin crust frozen pizza and the two of us ate for $4.  niiiiice.

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About MindyKnows

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I'm a girl constantly on the hunt for top quality, stellar customer service, and fun when it comes to shopping and eating out. The more affordable, the better. Though, you will quickly see that indulging in handbags - Hello, Louis! - and food - Hello, Foodie! - is a weakness of mine. Yes, posts will primarily pertain to the Bay Area as this is where I currently call "Home." However, I am no stranger to travel so visit often to read up on my finds and to chime in on your faves!

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